Justice Begins Here...

Roscoe Letter

Welcome to the Official Website of Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle

It is true that Roscoe Arbuckle had no children. He had nieces and nephews who would have been of the greatest generation and, more than likely, have passed on. Distant relatives, cousins, are the remaining link to Roscoe and, thus, we have adopted his legacy, to protect it and to see that justice remains served, especially now with the newer generations discovering "Fatty Arbuckle." Any estate is long gone, only his legacy remains: the films and photographs and some mementoes once belonging to the Prince of Silent films. We hope you will enjoy our tribute to Roscoe and will consider helping to honor his legacy by signing the petition below. Thank you for stopping by may God Bless you and keep you safe.

The Comeback that Never Came

Roscoe had hoped that he and his "spaniel pooch," Luke, would one day return to the big screen, however, this was not meant to be as Roscoe's best friend, his beloved dog, Luke, had passed away long before Roscoe had been given the good news of a return to Hollywood and motion pictures. Sadly, Roscoe's dream of a comeback would never happen. In June 29, 1933, the night following the signing of a contract with Warner Bros., to star in a feature film, and after celebrating earlier that night with his wife and friends, Roscoe Conkling "Fatty" Arbuckle died in his sleep. He was forty-six years old. His good friend, legendary slapstick comic, Buster Keaton, stated that his friend "died of a broken heart."

Hollywood Hypocrisy

Juicy scandals are part of the Hollywood story. As time goes by, scandals continue to rock the Hollywood scene which has become a haven of liberal, godless minds, but for a few, who believe they alone have the power to call the shots, to elect officials, and to speak for all Americans. Actor and Actresses for years have set the standards in thinking and in styling. Meanwhile, there are still producers and directors who continue to preserve the "casting couch" without any regard to public concern or suppression. The goings-on in Hollywood, nowadays, are "open to the public," and to those who do not comply with the liberal agenda of sin city, out comes the blacklist. In the days of silent films, scandals existed but were rare, and, yet, the most perpetuated scandal of the 20th century, the "murder" of actress, Virginia Rappe, continues to exist 102 years later in the minds of the fanatics who truly believe that her "murderer" was Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle. The story lives on as do the lies. Virginia Rappe was never "murdered" nor was she "raped." The true victim of a raping and killing was Roscoe Arbuckle, himself, whose tattered life eventually brought about a heart-wrenching end for the man who mentored Charlie Chaplin, discovered Buster Keaton and Bob Hope, but whose recognition as the earliest major slapstick comedian died with him.

The Truth Be Told

The true story will be told here, with the hope that, finally, the present-day accusations and hatred of Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle will subside, giving rise to a new rebirth for him and recognition for all his contributions to the film industry. Roscoe felt strongly that he would be forgotten in time. He gave himself little credence when he made this prophetic statement a few years before his death regarding Charlie Chaplin: "I have always regretted not having been his partner in a longer film...He is a complete comic genius, undoubtedly the only one of our time and he will be the only one who will be talked about a century from now."1 The statement rings true to this day, however, the forgotten one will be forgotten no more. Arbie, your day to shine has finally come!

[1] "Charlie Chaplin" by Peter Ackroyd publ. 2014 pg. 72 pp 1

Petition for an Honorary Academy Award for Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle

It is only fitting and just that Hollywood and it's media minions put forth a posthumous apology to the late, great Roscoe Arbuckle, and the greatest apology they could offer at this time would be to grant this true Hollywood legend a posthumous Honorary Academy Award. Please take a moment to sign the petition and let's get Roscoe the recognition he so deserves from the industry who helped to destroy his career.
Thank you!

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